Container-Handling wird einfach gemacht. Unsere Ausrüstung beschleunigt das Beladen, maximiert den Containerraum und verbessert den Frachtfluss.
SmartTEH bietet ein automatisches Container-Verladesystem. Durch Einsatz der automatisierten Verladetechnik können die Verladezeiten von LKWs und Containern auf einige Minuten verkürzt werden.
SmartTEH Container Kippvorrichtung: Schnelles Schüttgut-Handling, bis zu 90° Kippwinkel, robust und effizient – ideal für Industrie & Recycling.
Robuster Behälter für Asche, Schlacke und Holzspäne mit automatischer Zuführung.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, logistics-related industries have tried making freight transport more efficient by using containers. Today, the standards for containerization are so strong in the global transportation industry that it is almost impossible to stop the container industry. Everything intended to be transported mainly by sea is containerized, sometimes even bulk cargo. Because of these global trends, the need for container-handling solutions is increasing. It was also one of the specialties of our handling solutions - everything related to containers.
The equipment we manufacture will help you to fill the container with packages of wooden boards, long metal tubes, and logs, and also lift the container to empty it or, on the contrary, filled with scrap metal, grain, or other bulk cargo. We are ready to customize all our solutions to the needs of each customer, which makes us highly specialized in this industry.
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